
10 October 2010

Saturday 2 October Swallows Cave

Looking out

Close to the anchorage at Port Maurelle bay is another cave called Swallows Cave. This one has an open entrance which can be entered in a dinghy. The recommended time to visit is mid afternoon when the sun is shining into the mouth and illuminating the inside. Our first impression was Wow! More impressive than Mariner's Cave. Swallows has a vaulted roof like a church with many swift's mud nests. It should be known as Swifts Cave. Below the high roof is a deep, smooth rock floor which light floods into. You can easily see the bottom and the occasional sea snake that lives there. There are two chambers to the rear which you can take your dinghy into. In one we climbed out of the dinghy and back into a dry rear cave with a clear hole in the roof leading out to the trees above. The colours and size make this an impressive sight. Unfortunately local vandals felt the need to record their visit by painting graffiti on the walls. Why? An ugly blot on a natural beauty.

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