
10 October 2010

Thursday 23 September South to Vava'u

The forecast was for 15 knots of wind on the beam for the run south to Nieafu town in the Vava'u archipelago. We came out of the Niuatoputapu channel with David on the helm watching the depth under the keel shorten to 3m and me on the bow spotting for coral heads and other impediments that had the potential to spoil our day. All clear on rocks but we did have 2 humpback whales spouting water to greet us as we came out into the open water. We were going to wind so had the engine on and this spooked them. They dived and resurfaced after we'd passed.
We had a good run down, some rain before midnight and pulled into Vava'u at lunchtime next day.

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