
22 November 2010

Saturday 20 November Pig roast & prize giving

Opua anchorage
Today was the final day of the All Points Rally programme. In the afternoon there was a mini trade show with many of the manufacturers who supply products to the chandlery being on hand to answer questions and once more for the cruisers who love a freebie, sausages in a bun and a glass of wine or beer for all. Or because we got there later, sausage in a serviette after the buns ran out.
Between the trade show and the evening pig roast I just had time for a hour power nap while David surfed the net. Always best to grab a nap when you can and it's been a busy week for us.
A big crowd gathered in the marquee for the final evening - a pig roast dinner, prize draw and prize giving. Not as big a crowd as on the free nights, we contributed a small coconut towards the cost. The pork was divine and we got proper crackling and apple sauce too! After the dinner there was a prize draw for all the boats that had taken part in the activities this week. A not to be sniffed at £250 to spend at the chandlery and two hauls out with bottom clean donated by the boat yard to be won. It wasn't to be our lucky night in the draw. No vouchers won, no haul out, David was beaten in the talent competition by a skit featuring Horatio Nelson and Hardy on health and safety and 3 girls singing a song. In the prize draw where every boat was a winner we were the very last out of the hat...not bad, a good bottle of wine.
It's taking part, not winning that counts, but I swear our ticket was glued to the bottom of that hat!

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