
22 November 2010

Tuesday 9 November Brass monkeys

A shock to our poor tropically conditioned systems; the temperature inside the boat is 14c. In the morning we have condensation on the windows and all our blankets, that's five, on the bed. Five blankets pinning us down – a duvet would be really nice. Fortunately Jackster is fitted with 3 decent sized fan heaters which we have tried before but never run in earnest. Within a minute of switching on the fire alarm was screeching due to the hot dust they blew out. No matter, we were soon toasty warm.
Late morning we tootled ashore in the dinghy for our first discovery of the marina and for a treat we took two big bags of washing to the on site laundry. Normally, I'd use our on board machine but it only takes 3lbs at a time and uses 50L of water per wash which would use up our precious supply of RO water. We won't be running the water maker while we're in the river estuary. Anyway an industrial machine will give the sheets a hard wash and the driers saves hours waiting for things to dry on the line.
David trotted off to the marine stores – it was like Christmas with so many goodies to hold, handle and most likely buy during the week. He came back from the Volvo Penta dealer with quotes for replacement parts for the water cooler. After you've been in the Pacific where everything has to be shipped in from the States to suddenly find someone who says 'yes, I've got the part' or 'I'll order and it will be here tomorrow' is magic.
Buoyed up with clean clothes, warm jeans and sourced parts we went over to Inspiration Lady for warming Manhattans (rye, Cinzano rosso and angostura bitters) with Gary and Jackie and, briefly, Jack (Anthem). It was still light when we went home at 8 o'clock.
After watching a film we snuggled under the blanket mountain and slept soundly. Nights are absolutely quiet and still here, so still you could be on land.

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