
11 December 2010

Monday 6 December Oh what a beautiful morning!

early morning calm Roberton
The skies were clear, the sun shining and the water absolutely flat. A perfect day to have a birthday. David brought me tea in bad and my birthday card. My family had sent their cards by email which I read on Saturday. It was warm enough to have breakfast on the sun terrace, aka the cockpit.
From Urupukapuka over Albert Channel
Our destination for today was Indico Bay on Urupukapuka Island. Great names aren't they – when you've learned how to say them. Indico Bay is big, wide and not too deep with two beaches with easy dinghy landing. Urupukapuka island is a nature reserve managed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) with marked walking trails. We walked the full circuit of the island, lots of ups and downs to challenge our weakened muscles. After living on a boat with no steps and not walking the 2 or 3 miles a day we would have been doing, our walking muscles need using and tuning!
The walk linked all the high spots with great views out to open sea and inland across the Bay and went through different habitats. At the lower levels there are wetland trees, ferns and a broad canopy, up the grassy slopes to shorter, wind blown trees and gorse bushes on the highest parts. There are lots of bids twittering away again, the floral perfume. Coming back to the lower land with denser undergrowth we spotted boxes with 'Danger' printed on the top. On closer inspection these are stoat traps. The DOC wants to eradicate non native species on these islands like the stoat which is a threat to land nesting birds, like the tiny kiwi. You are warned not to bring pests to the islands. Pests include dogs, cats, rats and ants. Ants are not a native species.
The hills are alive......
The walk took an hour and a half. I took lots of photos and while we had no ant bites there were gorse bush scratches.
Dinner was a celebration. Sparkling wine and dorado ceviche on the sun terrace (the sun doesn't set until 9pm) and then we fired up the barbecue for beef and lamb steaks.
When I lived in the northern hemisphere my birthday was always a winter affair. How wonderful to now have a summer birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I see you've overcome the challenges of the computer. I can read the words now. I also like the clickable picturs.
    Good writing and nice story writing too.
