
20 February 2011

Friday, 18 February Tour de Whangarei

Town Basin marina; floating pontoon
A second day when our bikes were invaluable. We had a list of places to visit dotted around the town and pedal power was going to get us around them faster than the Tour de France around Paris. To the intercity bus for a ticket to Auckland Tuesday for me to get to the airport, several car part shops in David's quest for a prop puller. This is a simple device which enables you to remove the propeller from the shaft either out or in the water, available from the UK for a lot of beer tokens, or as we found, for a fraction of that at a used tool flea market. Onwards to the paint store for orange paint to renew our go faster stripe along the waterline when we're hauled out, supermarket for chorizo to go with our scallops but none found (at least not the chorizo I know, there's was more like a salami), housewares store for a foam mattress overlay on sale to make the forward cabin mattress more comfortable for my Mum when she visits us in 3 weeks.
Projects completed and a feeling of super smugness when often we would return dejected, tired and frustrated at not finding an item. We celebrated with a glass of wine with dinner.

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