
28 October 2010

Tuesday 19 October Uonukuhihifo Island

Tongan names are really difficult to remember and even more difficult to pronounce. Yesterday afternoon we moved down to Uonukuhihifo, a beautiful spot between two reef and fronted by a perfect white beach and palm trees. There's no wind and no clouds to cool things. In the afternoon we went snorkelling on the reef just to the north of us, not a spectacular reef as much of the coral was dead, a series of holes and inlets in the coral and not a lobster in sight. The guide book tells us this is a good spot to collect Pacific Painted lobsters. However, they're either tucked well into their holes or they've moved to a quieter spot.
Clown fish in anemone
Later in the day we did a dive on the outside of the south reef. It was a good dive, maximum 10m deep and good visibility with lots of nooks and crannies to explore. The lobsters were noticeable by their absence and we dined on dorado instead.

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