
10 October 2010

Tuesday 5 October Psssssh!

beautiful backdrop
Have you ever set out on a 5 minute trip and later wish you hadn't bothered? We'd been told there were bananas and lemons growing at an abandoned resort 2 minutes from the anchorage. Banana scrumping holds an appeal so we whizzed off in the dink to the old jetty which is only visible at low water. There wasn't much depth of water over the rocks so we were gingerly hand pulling ourselves along. A small swell caught us and pushed us onto one of the old concrete supports. Pssssssh! Disaster. We kissed against a sharp mussel shell with our vulnerable inflatable and got a 2 inch gash. Now we had an urgency to get back to Jackster before the dinghy completely deflated. David powered us and I lent over the side with my hand pressed to the hole.

We made it back but them we had to lift dinghy back on deck ready for David to patch it which will take an hour or two. And to top it all someone did make it ashore and came over to report no bananas or lemons.

Before we'd gone out in the dinghy we walked to the other side of the island and found a pristine white beach.
Nuapapu beach

Pat, Lucy, David, Jamie
In the afternoon we moved Jackster and the sick dinghy to anchorage no. 40, Ola'fau island, a picture postcard Pacific island with the requisite white beach, palm trees and blue waters. We anchored next to another Amel, Bamboozle of London with Lucy, Jamie and Jamie's mum, Pat on board. Here's a nice picture of us enjoying sundowners on the beach while the sun sets.

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