
12 November 2010

Sunday 31 October Bound for NZ

It's a big one
The stars are in alignment, the omens are good and the weather forecast is good to GO today. It was a beautiful day and felt good to be on the move again. Between us and completing our Pacific crossing is 1070nm. A couple of days ago David asked me how I would feel when we reached Opua. My reply was 'relieved'. Relieved to have done the last leg without getting beaten up by bad weather. This part of the Pacific at this time of the year can be nasty if you get caught by a passing low pressure system. We're aiming to sneak in between these systems that break off Australia every 5 to 10 days. David's reply to how he will feel when we arrive was 'a sense of achievement'
His achievement factor was given a boost by catching yet another dorado. Our freezer is packed with fish – 23 portions.

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