
12 November 2010

Thursday 28 Clearing in and out of Tonga

We caught the ferry from Big Mama's across to Nuku'alofa town to do customs clearance into Tongatapu and to clear out of Tonga for NZ at the same time although we're not planning on leaving for a few days. By clearing out we were able to get the form to buy diesel at duty free prices and saves two trips for officialdom.
Decorated Tongan grave
On the long walk from customs at the dock into town to clear immigration we passed the town cemetery.  Tongans have a unique custom of decorating graves.  Judging from this photo, a dread of being cold or uncolourful in the afterlife.   
Fruit market
Nuku'alofa is a good size town as you'd expect from the capital, very spread out and only a small shopping area. The highlight was finding the bakery and wonderful sausage rolls, pizzas and bread and then the market for goodies like asparagus, basil, apples, tomatoes. We're going to have a feast of fresh food with our fish tonight.
Churches are a big feature of Tonga.  There are many of them of many denominations.  I think this is the Catholic church.

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