
23 December 2010

Friday, 17 December More fog

Waitepipi sur le fog
Yesterday disappeared in pottering boat jobs.  Today has already disappeared into the fog. Again!   The low mist, or low clouds, are stickinng to the hills like a toffee paper to a shoe.  Will it ever shift?
How bad can it get?  As bad as getting excited about 8 big fish taking refuge under our hull and devising ways to persuade them to jump on the fishing hook carefully lowered into the water.  These 4' monsters might be king fish but without a fish ID book we're just guessing.  We tried the squid hook used so successfully to catch dorado. No.  We tried baiting the hook with a piece of dorado.  No.  We tried chumming the water with muesli. No.  No, nothing could get them interested in the hook.  All they wanted to do was hang out with their mates.  Must have been teenage fish.
And the fog just kept lingering......

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