
25 December 2010

Saturday, 18 December Away, or not away

The sea fog seemed a bit less today so we decided to make a dash down the coast. We've got GPS and radar to help us make safe passage. Or perhaps not....We fired up the engine and switched on the instrumentation and discovered there was a fault with the GPS – it was intermittently losing its fix on the satellites and then showing us on land. Sea gremlins. David spent a couple of hours checking for loose wires but couldn't find any obvious problems. After lunch we tried to leave the harbour with our intermittently working GPS. We got an 30 minutes out into open sea when the fog was enhanced with rain, visibility reduced, we knew there was an island to port and cliffs to starboard and we knew we weren't happy. Prudence ruled the day and we turned back to the safety of Whangaroa harbour while we could still find it by sight.
The highlight of the day was seeing little blue penguins out swimming.

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