
12 February 2011

Tuesday 1 February Working up an appetite

The trek to get to a supermarket and a hardware store took longer than the shopping. We hauled the dinghy onto the beach and tied it to a tree. Interestingly when we were in the Caribbean we always locked the dinghy and outboard to stop it wandering. Here we seem to trust people not to help themselves. Perhaps because every Kiwi already has a dinghy. Back to the story. We left the dinghy and walked for 20 minutes to reach the supermarket, a quick load up while David perused shackles and ropes in the DIY shop next door and a 20 minute return trip loaded with vegetables and baguettes. Baguettes are important for mopping up garlicky butter left after cooking scallops.
The bay we were in wasn't pretty so we did a late run to the prettier Motuihe island were an army of ducks were waiting to mug us for our bread

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