
09 September 2018

3 August Prickly Bay Marina

Yesterday we returned to the Caribbean; one of the two most popular cruising grounds in the world. Our first impression of Prickly Bay was that there are many more boats here and more mooring balls filling the east side of the bay. The Spice Island marina haul out facility is jam packed full. The Tiki Bar next to Prickly Bay marina office is still here. As is the conveniently situated Immigration and Customs office.
Immigration and Customs were our first stop, second Budget Marina chandlery. A large and well stocked boat shop is the equivalent of Hamleys Toys for a child and cruisers are just big kids. Third stop an ATM half a mile away and then back to Prickly Bay, the Tiki Bar and Happy Hour.
During the first week we were here we cycled to Clarks Courts Bay Marina. There been a big change here. The small restaurant and dock facility is now replaced by a large storage yard, hurricane home to some of the biggest catamarans inThe  the Caribbean.
Fort St George and Carenage

Georgetown harbour

We hopped on a number 1 bus in to Georgetown for a stroll around the Carenae, lunch at the Nutmeg restaurant and picked up some fresh fruit and veggies at the market.
On another day we walked to the faux lighthouse which overlooks the headland to the east of Prickly Bay. There's some serious real estate in this part of the island.
Writing of the island, we called in to sample the beers of the micro brewery up the road from PB marina. They were seriously good and, dare I say, better than the beer we used to brew on board!

One family owns many businesses and we share the same family name (my maiden name was Hubbard). I just couldn't pass up on this photo op.
this is my building!

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