
11 December 2010

Sunday 5 December Beach Picnic

Roberton Island bay
The first Sunday of December is the traditional date for the Island Cruising Club's beach picnic. All are invited so we went along. The venue was a large open bay on Roberton Island, across from Pareanui Bay, with a wide sand beach and grass terrace behind the beach.
As the twenty or so boats coming from Opua pulled into the bay four dolphins came in to play and stayed for most of the afternoon. First they rode the bow waves and then gave us a display of acrobatics, leaping from the water in pairs, back flips and twists. These guys love to show off. Apparently there are 4 large pods of dolphin that visit the bay and occasionally a pod of orcas.
Dolphin with Inspiration lady top R
Everyone, except the dolphins, streamed ashore in dinghies laden with something to put on the barbecue, a dish to share, beach chairs, mats, games to play and liberal amounts of sun cream. It was a hot day and the sun here does burn. After a big lunch, before would have been better, we climbed to the top to the lookout for a spectacular view of the bay. From above you get a much better perspective of the layout of islands and where the water is shallowest. Coming down through the trees there were birds chattering away and air was perfumed with spring flowers.
Two Jacksters (boat on R shoulder)
Al, Fran & Jackie at Picnic
The boats going back to Opua left in the late afternoon with a farewell salute from the dolphins leaving five boats who were staying ovenight. We were next to Inspiration Lady and invited Jackie, Gary and their guests Fran and Al over for sundowners. After our big lunch we could only manage a small crisp for dinner.

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