
20 January 2011

Thursday 13 January Loaves and fishes

Manly beach where we are anchored is a big wide and shallow bay on the northern side of the Whangaroa peninsula. There's long sandy beach with houses behind but nowhere to lock the dinghy so David put me, my bicycle and shopping pannier ashore while he waited on the beach. We find the usual retired locals to ask directions to the shopping centre and I set off up the hill. The downside of living at sea level is every journey begins with a toil uphill. In Manly village I quickly found the fruit and veg man and loaded up good stuff, then a quick call into the bakery for obligatory French sticks to complete the 'Madame sur sa bicyclette avec du baguettes' look. By the time I'd precariously wobbled downhill with my baguettes and broccoli my water taxi had vamooshed. Quelle dommage!

Green water taxi

I soon espied the green water taxi back at Jackster. Did he get bored waiting? Did he think I'd been mugged for my avocados? No. He'd been talking to lads on the beach who were telling him the flocks of seabirds diving into the sea indicated bait fish underneath and where there are bait fish there'd be kawahai fish. David had gone to get his fishing rod.

While David fished for our supper I enjoyed time to sit on the beach and read the newspaper. He picked me up before the bananas in the bag had ripened and proudly showed the 3 good sized kawahai fish he'd caught to go with our loaves for supper. Our s is very much a hunting and gathering lifestyle.

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