
08 January 2011

Thursday 7 January Fishing at last

too small to keep
David finally caught our first NZ fish this evening. In the islands we were succesful catching dorado but until tonight no luck. To be fair we didn't have the right reel / hook / bait for the local fishes. After talking to local fishermen we changed tactic. David brought out the reel he used as a teenager (should he have given it to a museum?). The first length of line had perished, but underneath it was good. A small hook and a piece of sweetcorn dropped over the side in the dusk got him the catch. We're not sure what it was, not big enough to eat but big enough for bait to try for a snapper. It worked. We caught three snappers but all were undersized and we threw them back. Hopefully this is the start of real success.

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