
20 January 2011

Tuesday 18 January It's blowing a hoolie outside

I feel like Scott of the Antartic.   As I write this the wind is gusting over 30 knots from the north with it forecast to increase to over 45 later this afternoon which will make it a gale force. This is the effect of a near cyclone passing over North Island. It should pass and the winds abate in less than 12 hours. While it blows we are sitting pretty in a sheltered bay with the new 33kg Rocna anchor gripping the mud / sand like a barnacle clings onto your hull. It ain't letting go. If, and a very Big If, the anchor were to drag there's half a mile of water less then 4m deep behind us.

Footnote:  we stayed in this anchorage for two days as the wind swung around but it never did get over 35 knots and then only briefly.  There was plenty of time to do essential admin like cleaning (urgh) and reading (much better) and research on Auckland which is where we're headed next.

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