
15 April 2011

Saturday 2 April Waiheke wine tasting

My April's Fool Day joke on the rest of the crew was to convince them yesterday was Saturday and that the clocks go back for winter tonight. David dutifully changed all clocks before we went to bed. We woke this morning and realised today was Saturday (how dizzy we are!) and promptly forgot we'd changed our clocks. An extra day of daylight saving for us.

View over Onetangi bay

We used the extra sunlight, and it was a sunny day, to take the local bus around the island and visit the local wineries for cellar door tastings. It was a fun way to see the west end of the island chatting with tourists and locals. First stop was Topknot Vineyard who've diversified to offer tastings as well as a restaurant, clay pigeon shooting and archery between the vines. Miffed at the $1.50 per taste charge we took just one taste of the rose.

Back on the bus and on to Onetangi beach on the north coast. It was along walk and 100 steps up Jacob's Ladder to Haydock Vineyard to taste their 'boutique' wines all made from pinot noir. A white, rose and red were on offer and none were so good we had to buy.

Top of Jacob's Ladder

Haydock winery. Cheers!

A 30 minute jolly charabanc trip and we were back in Oneroa once more. Mum had thoroughly enjoyed her day and the weather had been a dream with one final night anchored in this quiet bay.

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