
15 April 2011

Thursday 31 March Tiritiri and Motutapu

Overnight at Motutapu
It was such a beautiful morning we lingered in Tiritiri soaking up some rays and enjoying a leisurely moment. When Mum arrived in NZ she had every intention to swim. Why not here where the water is relatively warm? David and I wanted to check the anchor and David wanted to check the propeller too so we all jumped in. It was so warm it took ones breathe away! A pootle around. I was able to admire our pristine hull and marvel at the ingenuity of two tone anti fouling. The keel is blue, reputed to be the colour least likely to encourage a whale attack, and the part nearest the water line black. The reason? Back in November when we bought the anti foul we had the cunning idea to paint the first two coats blue and the top 2 or 3 black so we could see when the paint had worn down two layers. Roll forward 4 months and David pulls the tins of paint out of the bilge and sets to with the black paint only remembering the cunning plan and blue paint until they were the last 2 tins to open. Oops. Do you know? It looks great and is set to start a new trend in anti fouling.
Back to the days events, as we were getting out of the water the wind picked up for a superb fast sail south to Motutapu island and our next overnight. Mum is a superb sailor and not a suggestion of any seasickness. The rest of my family can get queasy looking at a pontoon.

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