
30 June 2011

Monday 20 June moved to Vurevure

Yesterday was a quiet morning at anchor while David worked on the errant SSB radio. After lunch we Stray Kitties and us) moved 5 miles from the small island of Qamea to Vurevure bay on the north east of Taveuni. We went ashore with the Kitties to offer a gift of kava, known as doing sevusevu, to the chief of the village. Vurevure village is one of four villages on this stretch of coast and the largest with approximately 60 people and 30 children. They make a living by fishing and farming. At the entrance to the village is a smart yellow dispensary where male nurse Bele administers to the people. I don't know if he knew he was missing a wheelchair from his inventory but we saw the village children using it as a go kart.
Cari with Brownie the dog

Vurevure dispensary
The chief's daughter promised us her husband and his car as a driver to take us to Brouma waterfalls tomorrow morning for the sum of F$7. Which we presumed was F$7 each way for the four adults and 3 children. It seemed impolite to clarify on such a small sum so we said goodnight and returned to our boats.

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