
18 March 2013

Sunday 17 March Enough to blow a shamrock off

There's enough wind to blow a shamrock off today; an apt sentiment on St Patrick's Day. It's another sou'westerly blow today care of the departing ex tropical cyclone, Sandra, and we've returned to Fame Cove for shelter. We came in from Nelson marina yesterday afternoon where we'd gone alongside to fill the water tank. It was gentle sail over here, all tranquil until a powerboat, also making for Fame, spotted us turning and was spooked we might take the last available mooring ball and gave it full throttle to beat us in. He would always have beaten us on speed but in his mad rush he sped between us and a small boat fishing off the point giving them a viscous shake in his wake. Not the most polite behaviour I've seen. Mr Speedboat picked up one of the last two mooring and we took the last one and sat just within the wind protection of the headland.

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