
07 June 2013

Saturday 1 June Magnetic Island day 2

Inspired by our cycling yesterday we ventured further today – all the way to the other side of the island, a mere 7kms and one very big hill away. We pedalled up the road past the beginning of the walk to the WW2 forts and then up to the summit separating Horseshoe from Alma Bay and flying down the eastern side of the island including a board walk / cycle path built out over the sea side rocks. We continued through the ferry terminal which links the island to Townsville and around the small marina into Nelly Bay. It only took 45 minutes to get there.
Our return journey was a little slower as we stopped to look at each of the beaches we passed and to watch a young surfer being coached by her Dad. The hill up from Alma took a bit longer to climb than it did to come down. David managed to cycle all the way up a 14% incline for more than a mile (he did stop for breathers) while I could only cycle the flatter sections and had to walk up the steep sections. The run back into Horseshoe was as exhilarating as yesterday.
Alma Bay
Sitting on a beach front bench and eating our Magnums ( a rare treat reserved for big effort) we agreed we found Magnetic island appealing and could easily have spent another couple of days here. It's scenic. It's warm and the anchorage is very comfortable. There were other walks we could have done but time and the need to be in Darwin in 6 short weeks presses. However, before we left this charming island there was still time for a evening barbecue with the other yachties in the bay; old friends Micromegas & Far Star, new friends Kite, Pulsion and Water Music.

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