
12 July 2013

Wednesday 10 July Nasty neighbours

nosey meighbour
We've had two very pleasant days in Port Essington with our friends on Julianna II and Lorrigray. There was time to relax and socialise, both came to us one evening to share sushi made with the blue fin we caught a couple of days ago (freezing didn't seen to spoil the flavour) and we visited for coffee mornings.
This morning our other neighbour, not seen before, came swimming past on their morning outing – a 3m crocodile was basking in the water next to us! He / she was in no hurry, just hanging around and seeing who the new folks were. Our first, and probably last, real wild crocodile! Wonderful to see when standing in complete safety on ones big boat out of reach, not so comfortable if we'd met when we were in our dinghy. I've heard they like to munch inflatables.
Mr Croc left us and we left Port Essington bound for Alcaro Bay a short (37nm) trip in readiness for an o'dark o'clock start next morning. We have to pass through the Dundas Strait (another pass, another tidal stream) 4 hours before high water Darwin in order to have favourable currents across Van Diemen Gulf and reach Darwin same day.

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