
13 June 2018

27 April Jacob's Ladder

The weather has wet for most of the week so we postponed a car we had booked and did more local walking. Today it was the well known Jacob's Ladder.
699 steep steps from base

to top

A steeply inclined rise comprising 699 steps. The steps were in the middle of two railway lines used to carry manure up from the valley to plains above, probably to be used as fertiliser, and wood from the hinterland down in to the valley. Donkeys turned the wheel which hauled the cable. The rail lines have gone, but the steps and the challenge to climb them remains.
I admit we chose less direct, and easier, option to walk up the road from Jamestown to Ladder Hill. It took us a leisurely half an hour with time to gaze across the valley and look down on the houses. We could have also have hopped on a bus for £1 or taken a taxi for £3.
looking over mooring field
Unsurprisingly there is another historic fort at the top of the hill. The barracks are deserted, but other buildings are used by the fire service as a base for the central and eastern side of the island. We walked along the top of the cliff for views over the mooring field, continued on to Rosie's restaurant for a meal size sandwich and then walked back to town.
Rosie's Place

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