
29 August 2020

6 August Iceman cometh

 Today our freezer was returned to health.

Early morning we moved from the mooring field to a spot on the wall in Ego Alley (so called because it is in the centre of town and an perfect parking spot for poseurs) to allow the technician to step on board and to have 110v power for the vacuum machine. David's analysis was that we had either a speck of contaminant, or an ice crystal forming, within the Frion liquid circulating within the freezer plate. The freezer repairman found we also had low pressure in the system.

The fix was to use a vacuum extractor to remove the old Frion which took a couple of hours and then to re-pressurise the system with new refrigerant. We turned on the electricity and the freezer froze.

While we were waiting for the main freezer to be repaired we still needed a means to keep food deeply chilled, preferably frozen, more than the capability of the icebox in the fridge. Researching online I found stand alone freezer units, like a chiller box, for RVs and trucks which run on either a 12v car battery or from the mains. Amazon had a selection and we chose one which freezes to -20C or chills like a fridge and compact to fit under the chart table. It's the best thing! I've used it as a freezer and now the freezer is working again it's a drink chiller cabinet. Win.Win. Should have bought one years ago.

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