
29 May 2024

14 May Restoration and repairs

Halfway through our month stay at the marina and we are making good progress on our job lists. David has spent a lot of last week fitting the new fridge. We gave the old one away to a local coolant technician who thinks he'll be able to use parts of the compressor motor. David said they weren't worth us keeping and we're happy to be able to up-cycle.

out with the old fridge

The fridge fitting is complicated by a wooden door facing that requires precision fitting and working out how to secure the unit to the floor to keep it in place when we're at sea.

I've taken all the carpets out for their annual washing. It's amazing how many cat hairs are lodged in the pile. Ideally I'd like to replace with new, but finding carpet for sale in tropical Caribbean has been impossible. There's no demand for them. So I gently restore what we have.

Polly picked up an injury. We found a spot of blood on the newly cleaned carpet in the bedroom and noticed she was licking an area under her tail more frequently. It's a puncture wound which we have washed and treated with an antibiotic cream. That wasn't the issue; having to wear a cone of shame collar is a big loss of her dignity. I'm sure she sees it as a form of punishment. Just wish she could understand the logic of allowing it to heal for a couple of days.

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