
27 May 2024

28 April Just chilling

Another week has happily passed with more leisurely diving on the point, some wonderful encounters with spotted rays and the biggest turtle I've ever seen outside Indonesia which is great. Unfortunately the compressor has developed a leak which means David can't fill our tanks. He's dismantled the part which controls the fill and discovered we have a hairline fracture in the block which is allowing the air to escape instead of going into the tank. We've had this problem before and I brought a replacement part from UK last summer. It's this part that has failed. Fortunately, or because he's a genius McGyvver, David was able to effect a repair on the old part and refit it. For now we have the ability to fill our tanks for a few more dives, we don't go mad, one dive every other day. We've got three more days in the Saints and then we are booked in to marina Bas du Fort for May. Hopefully our new fridge will have arrived.

hairline crack same place as the old one

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