
29 May 2024

29 May dash for the line

Our days in marina Bas du Fort are numbered! We have two more days to complete our tasks (like getting this blog up to date) and do the final cleaning before reverting to the anchor and loss of dock. Polly is going to be so miffed. She has developed a routine of going for an evening constitutional on the dock. One of us has to go with her for protection and we have to wait until the Jack Russell has gone out at 6pm. By then the dock has cooled and she can explore where the dogs have cocked a leg on the power tower, the intriguing aromas on a bicycle tyre and the mysterious piles of rubbish behind a boat that is being refitted.

And for us it is a promenade to meet our neighbours in the 'village', exchange stories, discuss the weather forecast with those owners who are waiting for a good window to set sail for to Europe. It's all very sociable and we've met some lovely people; English, French, Danish, Greek. some we might see again, many we won't. All part of the rich tapestry of being a cruiser.

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