
27 May 2024

4 May Getting on the bus

Both our Sodastream cartridges are now empty. By good planning we know just where to go to exchange them for full ones and it is possible to get to the shop by bus from a stop close to the marina. We haven't taken a bus on Guadeloupe but now we have it is fine. Big modern buses turn up when they are scheduled to, fares are £1 each and it takes twenty minutes to get to the shopping centre near the airport where shop Darty has a stock of new cartridges for exchange. In the none French islands like Grenada or Antigua you can have your cartridge refilled from a large bottle. The cost is the same but I don't think they give as many fizzed litres as an exchange. I like the new for old; no more buying plastic bottles of soda water, no carrying of bottles of water.  It's a good fit for us.

Fresh from our successful bus trip out to the airport we then get on our bikes to cycle to the best supermarket, E Leclerc, a mile away. Taking the bikes with panniers means no carrying of heavy shopping and there'll be fresh salmon and spinach for dinner. I love the French islands!

With our unlimited water at the marina we've washed the salt off the deck and soaked and dried all our dive kit. I took two large bags of towels and sheets to the marina's industrial washing machines and now they are dancing on the line drying in the sunshine. For us being in the marina means an opportunity to make repairs and to do the annual deep clean. And air conditioning! I hope it also means out with our old and inefficient fridge and in with a shiny new one.

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