
27 May 2024

9 April Cleared out from Antigua

It's time to go so we visited Customs and Immigration to formally exit Antigua and sail south to Guadeloupe today. Before we left we took advantage of one of the best priced sources of fuel in the Caribbean and filled up with diesel in the tank and petrol in jerry jugs.

Our journey from Jolly Harbour began under motor while we were in the wind shadow of the island but as soon as we cleared the southern tip there was a good easterly breeze to fill the sails and turn off the engine. It's a 50nm trip to our favoured stop on the north west tip of Antigua, Point Ferry. Today the dominant swell was coming from the north so we went south of the headland for a comfortable night. The following morning we had a rare westerly swell sweeping onshore straight into the bay. Time to go again, destination Les Saints.

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