
21 August 2024

Sunday 30 June Beryl is over the horizon

All we can do now is wait. Jackster is as storm ready as we could make her in Port Louis Marina and we are at Cool Runnings Apartments. Polly seems to be enjoying the adventure of a new place to explore. David wanted to stay on board, but for me he came ashore. We can replace a boat, but I can't replace him.

Dinner and wine while we continue watching the TV news on Beryl and the latest forecasts. Steve from Dignity once summed up our need to continually check the forecast – we're hoping it will be more favourable.

There is still power this evening and we indulge in some AC, but we were told the electricity company will switch off before Beryl passes to protect against exposed electric circuits and cables. The water will be switched off at the same time.


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