
04 September 2024

2 July Aftermath

Now we begin putting Jackster back together but before we replace the bimini we take the opportunity to polish the steel frame work which looks so mush better now.

We debate the merits of putting the headsail up or refolding and storing in a locker for the summer. Our decision is to take the sail ashore to a large clear area and to refold into a neater and smaller package. When we were in a hurry two days ago it was a case of get it down and stowed.

Now the bimini is refitted and we have the rear and forward sunshades it is bearable to sit in the cockpit once more. One of the very few good things about the heavy rain is that Jackster has very clean topsides.

On the Grenada Cruisers Facebook page the rebuild Carriacou and Petite Martinique initiative has begun; from posts about where to go to donate food, water and clothing, information on Government and the sailing community emergency collectives, boats planning to sail up to the islands asap to deliver immediate first assistance and Gofundme's.

in the mangroves in Carriacou

St Georges 

St Georges

The images of devastation of the island and more than a hundred boats piled on top of each other in the lagoon, of all the boats on the hard flipped over and many dismasted are posted. It is the force of nature and when it comes in contact with humans the results are tragic.

There was collateral damage to boats on main island Grenada; boats dragged ashore in Prickly Bay, in St Georges carenage a local lawyer's yacht had been holed and sank by the ferry terminal and in the corner of the lagoon there was a pile of local boats pushed up the bank by sea surge.

Again, we feel so lucky to have escaped, but now is the time to help others who have been less fortunate.

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