
21 June 2010

Saturday 8 May Hiking to the top.

Bay of Virgins, Fatu Hiva
Time to go ashore and explore this majestic island. It is Paradise. High rugged peaks built from volcanic activity aeons ago. Lush vegetation from all the rain they get. Freshwater spigots delivering cool, sweet spring water from the mountains. The village is neat and clean. Every house has a well tended garden and a new four wheel drive parked outside. How do they afford it? EU subsides. Yesterday I swapped a ¼ bottle of Dominican Republic whiskey for 3 head size grapefruit and 4 star fruit. Anyway, back to the hike.

Jack on Anthem had sailed at the end of his Pacific crossing this morning. He joined us for a pulse quickening walk up the hill to a look out point over the bay. An aerobic climb for an hour up the road and then it was off road scrambling up the long grass to reach the top which afforded spectacular views. As a warm down we went back down the road towards the village and then scrambled up a river valley to a waterfall with a swim pool at the base. Oh it was so good to cool off. Not so good were the freshwater shrimp nibbling your toes.
Dr David Doolittle
Coconut husking

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