
25 December 2010

Christmas Day 2010, Whangarei NZ

Up to lookout
Not a bad day, a little overcast and very quiet in town. We had a leisurely morning, a light breakfast following last night's blow out meal and then went for a walk. Our plan was to climb to the lookout over the hill and then return by the river path but we were enjoying our walk through the forests so much we were out for 4 ½ hours. We climbed up to the look out for views over the town and river basin came down the other side of the hill and found an interesting trail to follow, met a group on their way to a tree canopy walk. I thought it was a short distance, perhaps around the corner. It turned out to be a good hour to reach the trail. It was well worth it to follow a raised platform through the tops of the majestic native Kauri trees.
Merry Christmas
Our path back to the town basin followed the river and went past some very nice houses. Now we were ready for our Christmas dinner; guacamole then salmon and prawns with asparagus spinach. I'd bought David a Christmas pudding as I rarely 'do' puddings but he was too full. I'll check the use by date. We might save it for his birthday in May. Ha ha! We crashed out in front of a BBC TV Christmas special until it was Christmas morning in England and then phoned home. Poor guys are shivering in -6C which is colder than our freezer while we are in a comfortable 21c. Did we feel smug, or did we feel really smug?

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