
23 December 2010

Friday 10 December Back to Opua

Swindleries, love 'em or hate 'em, as yachties we can't do without our chandleries. Three weeks ago the local swindlery, Cater Marine, offered to order a new Smart Tuner for our high power SSB radio. This was our reason for returning to Opua today, to pick it up. We could have ordered direct from the manufacturer in Seattle, but opted let the shop get one in from their Auckland supplier. Yesterday the supplier discovered he was wrong and doesn't have one in stock. Next delivery January. Fortunately it's not an urgent need.
Instead we did big loads of washing in the laundrette, saw friends, had sundowners on Inspiration Lady and joined the Opua Cruising Club. Our very first membership of a yacht club. For a nominal amount (£20 / $30 for both of us) we are temporary members for six months of this club and allowed to visit and use the facilities of almost all other yacht clubs in NZ. The advantage of the club is a cheap bar, good price pub meals, showers, usually there are a couple of berths for tying alongside, water available and WiFi. And by lucky planning tomorrow night is the Commodores Christmas Party for members only.

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