
23 December 2010

Monday 13 December Northward bound

The forecast was favourable for moving north, 15 knots from NE, up the coast to the Cavalli Islands. These rugged islands are a nature reserve and the resting place of the wreck of the Rainbow Warrior, bombed by the French Secret Service when she was in Auckland harbour in 1985. The Rainbow Warrior was due to leave to protest against nuclear testing in the French Pacific islands. After the bombing she was towed to the Cavalli's to be sunk as an artificial reef.
Our 20 mile trip started OK with enough wind to sail but once we reached open ocean the wind died and a sea mist rolled in. We navigated into the islands which are only a mile off the mainland using the electronic charts and radar for back up to the limited visibility. The bay we anchored in Waitii, Motukawanui Island is big and sheltered from wind and swell. The low mist made and rugged coast made it feel like an autumn day in Cornwall.
I think we had the bay to ourselves – we couldn't see through the mist. As darkness fell we heard our first kiwi birds.

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