
02 December 2010

Thursday 4 December Pub quiz night

What a jolly afternoon and evening with our chums. In the afternoon we rocked up to the yacht club for a talk on favourite cruising spots in the north island given by the local cruising club. This small part of the country has a lot to offer from the big Bay of Islands, sheltered bays and coves, more river inlets, coastal walks, world class diving including the Rainbow Warrior, Poor Knights islands, local yacht clubs and you can dive for scallops, lobsters, mussels, put out a fishing line for snapper. Before David starts collecting these we still have to eat our way through 20lbs of Tongan dorado.
We were so keen to start exploring we'd have weighed anchor and left immediately except it was quiz night at the club. Our international team of 5 comprised of a couple of Canadians, a young American and David and me so we anticipated good coverage. One chemical engineer, one mechanical engineer, an English major, David and me to wield the pen. We were poised, we were off. And we finished 4th out of 8 so respectable given the NZ bias of the questions. We failed miserably on the Politics section, only redeeming ourselves with knowing the PM of UK and who curtsies to whom in the Royal family (when were they political?)


  1. Certainly lots to read now that you're in civilization. Keep it up.
    We like the new blog layout but find the font size a wee bit small. The previous font is ok for our eyes.
    Beach House

  2. Thanks for your feedback. I'll try to make the font larger, but don't hold your breathe as I'm computer challenged!
