
02 December 2010

Wednesday 1 December Shiny new anchor

All the way across the Caribbean and across the Pacific we've been searching for a big anchor at a little price. Jackster came with a 60lbs, or 27 kg polished steel CQR which looked very smart on the bow and held as well as a bald tyre on black ice. We replaced this with a Delta anchor bought in Puerto Rico as our 'back up spare' and put the hugely expensive, totally useless CQR (say the letters fast and it sounds like secure) in the forward locker for dire emergencies only.
New crew member Rocky
In our research we'd come across a make called Rocna which is designed and made in NZ. It's rated as one of the top 2 anchors available and we consider we, and our home, is worth the best. After all we rely on that piece of shaped metal and a length of chain to stop us from being blown away, or worse still, ending up with the hull kissing hostile rocks.
Here we are in NZ and there was our new anchor ready for us to take home. What a beaut weighing in at a hefty 70lbs, or 33kgs. As one friend puts it 'the best sleeping pill you can buy'.
'Rocky' as he will be known, will be fitted when we lift anchor to move at the weekend.

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