
20 February 2011

Sunday 20 February New dinghy cover

Job's done and it's a good 'en. Dennis dinghy has a tailor made, colour co-ordinated suncover for wearing on deck. It did take another couple of hours of fitting, marking and sewing. Well worth it.
After lunch we strolled up to the housewares store to pick up another set of tumblers to replace the set we've gradually broken. Glass on a boat? Yes. We buy the value range and I find it much nicer for a G&T than a plastic thing. Next stocks of gin will come with me and my Mum when we fly back in mid March. NZ allowance is 3 bottles up to 1.125L each for arrivals. We have 6 bottles ordered for pick up on landing.
Final job of the day revealed a new item for the 'needs repair' list. David went up the mizzen mast to do a rig check and discovered cracks in the bracket holding our Kiss wind generator. Tomorrow we'll lower the whole caboodle and he'll take it to an aluminium welder.

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