
08 March 2013

Friday 1 March Coasters Retreat

With stronger southerly winds forecast for the weekend we moved around to the more protected Coasters Retreat which is opposite Palm Beach better known in the UK as the location for the TV soap Home and Away which is filmed here.
Coasters has 50 club and private mooring balls, no national park public balls, so again we became 'honourary' Royal Prince Albert motor yacht club members. As there were at least 40 empty moorings we didn't think we were depriving anyone. We would have liked to go for a walk up the ridge to see the aboriginal rock carvings but heavy rain was imminent; there was just enough time to dinghy to the landing dock and for me to take our rubbish to the camp site bins. David stayed in the dinghy and missed seeing the wallabies nibbling the mown grass, one with a joey in her pouch. The hardy campers had their tents pitched for the weekend and I hope good wellies and umbrellas because the rain started, the wind blew all through the night.

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