
08 March 2013

Thursday 28 February Morning Bay

We've spent a couple of weeks in Broken Bay and Pittwater and are now feeling ready to continue our trip back up the coast. Over the last few days we've been watching the forecast and it seemed there'd be a fair southerly blow coming tonight and we'd planned to leave tomorrow night on the back of this trough as it tracks from south to north and then we'd arrive in Port Stephens at high water which would give us the most favourable conditions to get in through the entrance. However, this morning's forecast calls for near storm force winds, heavy rain and 3-4m swell. No need to rush things. Think we'll stay for another day, or two in Morning Bay. 

kookaburra in old fir tree

you looking at me?

Morning Bay is in the SW corner of Pittwater with many club mooring balls which the generous Aussies don't mind if you pick one up for an overnight stay assuming no club member is without a spot. From here we could access walking tracks and wandered up through the bush and happened upon the local YHA. Here I picked up a map with all the local tracks and suggested highlights like Aboriginal rock carvings high on the ridge above us. On our walk we didn't see any snakes but we did see a wallaby and some kookaburras. At the YHA I also learned the eagles we'd seen were most likely to be goshawks. Either David Attenborough or an I Spy local bird book would be a useful thing to have on board.

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