
08 March 2013

Tuesday 5 March Port Stephens

We'd had a very comfortable sail up the coast from Pittwater, faster than we'd anticipated as we arrived before the sun came up so we heaved to a couple of miles offshore and had a cup of tea. At 7am I phoned the local VMR (Voluntary Marine Rescue which is similar to the coastguard in advising boats and issuing warnings) to ask for local conditions on the entry. They reported all well this morning and the leading lines were all accurate. We came in following the lead line on Navionics electronic chart which lined up perfectly with the leading light and turned in towards Nelson town. Fate was smiling once more – there were two boats on the three free Maritime mooring balls leaving one for us in front of the beach and next to the marina.
After a hearty seafarers' eggs and bacon breakfast and a shower we took a nap, more like a deep sleep as I'd been awake since 1.30am when I took the watch and David had slept fitfully from 1.30am to 5.30am. We managed a short trip into Nelson in the afternoon and discovered a delightful little town, had a coffee and picked up some fresh groceries. Seems we've found another lovely spot to spend a week or two.

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