
27 April 2013

Tuesday 23 April Mary River, Hervey Bay

The anchorage at Kingfisher resort is fine in anything but a northerly wind and it was anything but comfortable as a northern wind set in through the night so this morning we (with Chilli Heat and Circe) moved to a sheltered bay at the mouth of the Mary River on the mainland. There was nothing to get off the boat for in the daytime but we were invited to dinner on Circe and enjoyed a divine lamb dinner.
We'd finished dinner and were in the cockpit watching a thunderstorm inland when the rain began and then a sudden, brute gust of wind laid the boat so much on her side glasses flew off the table and we were pinned on the starboard side. It was very dramatic. When we returned to Jackster we found the kettle on the other side of the salon and books on the floor so we'd been blasted by the same gust.

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