
27 April 2013

Wednesday 24 April Kingfisher resort

Back at Kingfisher in a far more kindly SE breeze today. David and I went for a hardy bush walk from the resort south over the cliff to Mackenzie's jetty which was the site of a former logging operation and nearby the secret base of Australia's WW2 commando unit training. Today there are the remnants of the buildings of the commando camp and some rusting vehicles and on the beach rusting remnants of the logging enterprise – a rusting tractor and a rusting boiler.
Mackenzie's jetty

once was a tractor

colourful soldier crab
The walk back to our dinghy at the resort was along the beach. Which as you looked at it seemed to be moving; an illusion created by thousands and thousands of small soldier crabs scuttling and digging in the sand.
We hosted dinner on Jackster for our friends; a simple, but may I modestly say, delicious, griddled wahoo with a green salsa. The weather was far kinder tonight and no thunderstorms or unexpected gusts of wind to shiver the timbers.

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