fleet left Kingfisher in light winds with the expectation of it
filling in as the day progressed to travel 50nm on to the port of
Bundaberg. The first 15 miles of the trip is through shallow
channels between sandbanks – it rarely got to 10m deep. Eight
miles in to the passage and Circe sailed up on our port side close
enough for us to have an easy chat and call out to their two wee
dogs. Ten minutes later Chilli Heat joined the party asking why we
hadn't caught any fish yet. Then the wind started to pick up and we
wind was from directly behind so we put up our twin headsails which
are perfect for these conditions. Once the sails were up we sat back
to enjoy the day and it turned into an auspicious day for fishing –
David landed an even bigger wahoo than the one we caught off Danger
Point. It took a lot of playing and reeling in to land this
monster, perhaps ten or fifteen minutes, which gave me time to
prepare the gaff, the line to snare the tail and the sharp knife for
quick dispatch. Once we'd landed him we measured and found it was
1.5m, 4.5' and an estimated 50lbs, possibly more.
one that didn't get away |
filleting, I filled our freezer with one side, 15 meals for two
people, and chilled the rest to give to Bruce and Sue Chilli Heat and
John and Jane Circe when we arrive at Bundy. We arrived just as the
sun was setting and anchored in an area known as The pool adjacent to
the marina where Chilli and Circe were heading.
Congrats on the monster Wahoo. That could be a smidge heavier than the 22kg Wahoo we caught off Viti Levu.