
19 June 2018

16 May Hello Ascension Island

It's been another great down wind sail from St Helena to Ascension island. We arrived an hour before dawn and proceeded to anchor in shore of a visiting cargo vessel in the big space between the local mooring balls and the floating pipeline.
As the sun came up we were rolling gently and facing the island. Our first impression was of a barren moonscape topped in green and many aerials, satellites, and more aerials.
Because there is a cargo ship in harbour and off loading to the pier head we were asked not to use our dinghy to come ashore – the ferry was going to pick us up and drop us off. What service! We had fenders out but didn't allow for the significant height of the ferry being higher than our toe rail and David got his foot squished between the two as he tried to push it off.
In the port area barges were bringing the containers to the dock and a crane lifted then up on to the dock. And within the port area is Port Control, run by the lovely Kitty. She did our Customs clearance and the two folk from Immigration visited to check our visas and passports before stamping us for a couple of weeks. Charges were £20 each for immigration and £15 for port fees.

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