
25 June 2018

27 May Island exploring

We explored the island by foot and by rental car. 
On one of our walking days we tramped up the hill behind Georgetown we reached the prominent gun emplacement. These are guns from a ship SS Hood. When the ship was decommissioned the guns were re-used for the defence of Ascension in WW2. I believe they were fired in anger once when a German submarine limping north up the Atlantic surfaced nearby. It was a hot walk up the dark volcanic rock, but the view was worth it.
in the driving seat

SS Hood gun

Victorian defence

Rental car is singular. There is only one diesel car available from the lady owns the grocery store in Two Boats. Her husband drives down to Georgetown to pick you up and brings you back to Two Boats to complete the paperwork.
one boat
With the car we drove every road on the island in one day.  On the road to Two Boats is a the sign for One Boat. One boat is literally one boat upended to provided shelter from the rain. Despite looking we never found the sign for two boats.
beware camels?

On the road out to the BBC relay station there is the strangest road sign – beware of camels crossing.  What? Are there feral camels as well as feral donkeys and sheep? We were told a body in the police department requested new roads signs from the UK, including one for 'hump in the road'. The UK office sent their unique interpretation - a camel with a hump! The Police decided it had to put up.
18th 'green' and club house
The sign is on the same which passes the golf course. Probably the worst course in the world. There isn't a blade of grass on it. Plenty of volcanic rock, scrub bushes and bunkers.  What happens when the ball bounces on the rock?
Comfortless Cove
Comfortless Cove is a popular dive spot because there is easy access in to the sheltered bay from the car park.
Why is it if there's a big hill you have to reach the top? David was keen to drive to the top of Telegraph Hill which overlooks the anchorage and Georgetown. The road is steep with switch backs which climbs and climbs. Driving was much easier than walking! And the views spectacular.
view from Telegraph Hill

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