
13 June 2013

Wednesday 12 June I shop part II

The morning was spent with David up the mast fitting the new AIS antenna and checking wiring, power runs and other technical stuff checking the strength of receiving capability. In the afternoon we returned to shore and the industrial end of Cairns for more shopping, but not as successful as yesterday. First a replacement remote switch for the faulty one on the generator had arrive overnight from Adelaide. Good. Then to the antenna man for coaxial cable. He was away on a job and his wife tried but wasn't able to sell us cable. The next shop had closed for the day at 4pm and we arrived at 4.05.
At the TV shop Dominic restored our faith in customer service going beyond the usual level by a long, long way. It may have helped he is also a sailor and shares a boat with his Dad back in England He solved our issue of hard drive incompatibility with TV – it was the format of the hard drive should have been FAT32 instead of NSTF. No, I'd never heard of either before this afternoon. After dinner we watched a couple of episodes of The Sopranos on our new television. For David the highlight is having a remote control once more. He missed it.

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