
21 August 2020

29 July Annapolis

 We in Annapolis one of the more well known yachting centres in the country with many facilities and services available. When we left here last October after the boat show we said goodbye not expecting to return so soon.  The Coronavirus pandemic forced us to change our plans for hurricane season, as it has so many other full time cruisers, we had hoped to be in Trinidad to doing the bi-annual haul out maintenance but they closed their borders to all foreign visitors in March and haven't indicated when they will open again.  Our revised plan is to spend a quiet summer and autumn around the Chesapeake hoping infection rates can be brought under control or naturally diminish which would allow more countries of the Caribbean to reopen their borders by the time the official hurricane season ends on 31 October.  Until then we shall float around in no hurry to be anywhere fast.  At least in America we can move around.  We can find safe harbours, plentiful supplies, non-stop internet and boat parts and services.

Our immediate need, and one of the main reasons for coming to Annapolis, is to find a refrigeration technician who can fix our intermittently working freezer and a place to receive parcels. Parcels are easy, if you rent one of the City moorings you can use the Harbormaster's office address. The Harbormaster's office building also has clean showers and laundry facilities.  We on't be using our watermaker until we are back in the ocean so going shore side for showers and laundry means reduced need to go alongside to fill the tanks.  Potable water is free at the fuel dock if you're buying fuel.  We're just not using much fuel at the moment.

Before we turned off the Severn river into Spa Creek I hoped we would be able to find at least a couple of free mooring balls amongst the 35 for boats up to 55' reasoning with myself that early in the week there should be less demand than at the weekend. In the end the challenge was which of the free moorings to pick up when only three were occupied!

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